Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Are Dog Parks Safe or Are Dog Parks Dangerous for Dogs?

Are Dog Parks Safe or Are Dog Parks Dangerous for Dogs?

Dog parks are a relatively recent phenomenon, and they are now the fastest growing type of municipal parks. There were 571 dog parks in the largest 100 cities in the United States in 2011, which is a 33% increase over a 5 year period.

But are dog parks safe? The ASPCA has endorsed the idea of dog parks, saying that it gives owners an opportunity to provide much needed exercise for dogs, which has a positive impact on decreasing dog behavior problems. True, but at what cost?  Lots of people love taking their dogs to dog parks. But are they safe? Fights are common at dog parks, and because of the large number of dogs in a relatively small area, so are diseases.

This is an ongoing debate and there are pros and cons to be considered, but in my opinion - dog parks are a bad idea. I admit that my evidence is anecdotal, but I really believe that more harm than good has been done by dog parks - too many fights, and too many illnesses. But, you ask, “what about exercise and socialization?”

First of all, dogs can get all the exercise they need with a couple of daily walks and a good game of fetch or tug. For the more active breeds, add a pet sitter during the day, a jog, a game of flirt pole and some food toys. 

Secondly, socialization should be done carefully, with dogs you know – not with strangers’ dogs.  

I don’t know a single professional dog trainer who would take their own dogs to a dog park (unless the park was empty or they knew all of the other dogs and owners there.) One fight can change a dog’s attitude about other dogs for the rest of its life - it’s just not worth it. Also, keep in mind that true “socialization” takes place between 3 and 22 weeks of age. If your dog is not dog-friendly at 1 year of age, taking him or her to the dog park is not going to “socialize” them.

So for these two reasons - fights and illnesses  - I tell my clients to avoid dog parks. But in spite of my advice,  I know that some of my clients are enamored with dog parks – so I tell them that if they absolutely must take their dogs to dog parks, they should at least follow some common sense guidelines:

1)      Be alert. Watch your dog and the others around him. You’re not there to have coffee and chat with your neighbors – you’re there to supervise your dog.

2)      Keep weight ranges similar. Small dogs should not be matched with bog dogs and vice versa.

3)      Be extra aware of bully breeds at the park. Their play styles are more “in your face” than other breeds, and this can be frightening to more laid back dogs.

4)      Watch for avoidance behavior in your dog. If you’re not good at reading body language, you have no business taking your dog to a dog park. For example, if your dog comes running back to you and stands behind you, don’t pet him and tell him “that’s ok” - put a leash on him and take him home! He’ll recognize that you did your job and protected him from whatever was frightening him.

5)      No prong collars should be worn at the dog park, as dogs often play by grabbing each other on the neck and this can result in a serious injury if the dog gets his mouth caught in the prongs.

6)      Get to know the “trouble makers” at the dog park.  Dog parks are frequented by a lot of “regulars” and your neighbors can probably tip you off to the dogs who tend to bully the other dogs.

7)      Bring an air horn – the loud noise can break up a fight (not always - but sometimes).

8)      If you have to break up a fight, do not reach in between the fighting dogs – this is a sure recipe for a dog bite. Instead, grab the back legs and pull the dogs apart.

9)      If one of the combatants is a Pit or Rottie, they tend to hold on and sometimes it makes more sense to wait for them to re-grip before pulling apart. When fighting dogs have their mouths latched on to each other, pulling them apart at the wrong time can make injuries worse. 

Sounds like more trouble than it’s worth doesn’t it?